由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let’s Meet》第54期于11月13日在重庆卫视播出。 The first all-English international broadcast program in Chongqing, the 54th episode of "Let's Meet," produced by the Western China International Communication Organization, will be aired on Chongqing Satellite TV on November 13. 第七届山水城市可持续发展国际论坛在渝举办 The 7th International Forum of Sustainable Landscape City Development Held in Chongqing 第七届山水城市可持续发展国际论坛近期在重庆成功举办,吸引了各国工程设计领域的专家学者前来。其中,美国林同棪国际集团总裁Matthew Cummings在论坛举办期间,就表达了对重庆桥梁设计的喜爱,盛赞重庆的桥梁是“世界级之作”。本期《陆海财经》,我们将一起聆听专家的精彩分享。 Recently, the 7th International ForumofSustainable LandscapeCity Developmentwas successfully held in Chongqing, attracting experts and scholars from around the world in the field of engineering design. During the forum, Matthew Cummings, President of TYLin International, expressed his admiration for Chongqing’s bridge designs, praising that they are world-class construction. In today’s Bridging News, we’lllisten to these experts’ fascinating insights. 白鹤梁携手尼罗尺 Egpyt, China Deepen Cooperation in Heritage Preservation 近日,2024白鹤梁国际学术研讨会在重庆涪陵举行,来自中国、埃及、美国、日本、荷兰、巴西六个国家的知名学者围绕“白鹤梁—尼罗尺遗产价值与保护传承”,以开阔的国际视野、前沿的学术观察,为以中国白鹤梁和埃及尼罗尺为代表的世界水文遗产保护传承建言献策。 Recently, the2024 Baiheliang International Symposium was held in Fuling, Chongqing. Renowned scholars from China, Egypt, the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, and Brazil gathered to discuss the heritage value and preservation of Baiheliang and the Nilometer, offering insightful academic perspectives and broad international viewpoints. They provided valuable suggestions for the protection and inheritance of global hydrological heritage, represented by China's Baiheliang and Egypt's Nilometer. 乐观地球创始人孙智:让改变从小开始 Sun Zhi, Founder of Optimistic Earth —— Change Starts Small 城市精神是城市文明素养和道德理想的综合反映。在重庆这座“鹰飞之城”,乐观地球创始人孙智,在过去的五年里,带领孩子们了解“防鸟撞”、做定期巡护、参与各类公民科学活动,以实际行动保护城市生态。本期《重庆面孔》,一起来了解乐观地球创始人孙智先生的故事。 Urban spirit is a comprehensive reflection of a city's cultural literacy and moral ideals. In Chongqing, thecitywhere eaglesfly,Sun Zhi, founder of Optimistic Earth, has a group of kids in an impactful “Preventing Bird Collision” patrol and participates in various citizen science activities to protect the urban ecology through concrete actions. In this episode of " Facesof Chongqing," let's learn about the story of Sun Zhi, the founder of Optimistic Earth. 英国夫妇游重庆 British Couple Tours Chongqing 重庆,这座充满立体感的3D都市,总能以其独特魅力给予游客无尽的惊喜。今天的《海外大V看重庆》,我们将认识一对来自英国的情侣博主。他们最近踏上了重庆之旅,面对这座遍地是阶梯的城市,他们幽默地调侃道,来了重庆这么多天,也没找到这里的“地面”在哪里。 Chongqing, this 3D city, always surprises visitors with its unique charm. In today’s episode of "Vloggers in Chongqing," we’ll meet a couple of YouTubers from the UK. They recently embarked on a journey to Chongqing, and humorously joked that after several days in the city, they still haven’t been able to find where the "ground" is, given the countless steps and slopes everywhere. 一周重庆海外热点 Weekly Highlights 本周,重庆在推动消费发展、体育赛事、技能人才成就和餐饮文化影响等多个方面受到国际关注。 This week, Chongqing has gained international attention in several areas, including promoting consumption development, sports events, achievements in skilled talent, and the impact of its culinary culture. 《Let’s Meet》每周三、周六18点,在重庆卫视首播,并在Let's Meet官方视频号、Bridging News陆海财经客户端、第1眼新闻客户端、iChongqing网站和脸书,以及Youtube频道、西部国传全球传播矩阵平台、卫视新媒体矩阵同步发布。 "Let's Meet" airs every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 PM on Chongqing Satellite TV. It is also simultaneously released on the Let's Meet official WeChat Channels, Bridging News app, iChongqing website, Facebook and YouTube channel, WCICO's global communication matrix platform, and Chongqing Satellite TV's new media matrix. Meetand孙智白鹤梁重庆发布于:重庆市声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。